Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 13: Passing on the Gift

It's almost a surreal feeling that I actually made it to the end of my 13 Days to Thanksgiving journey. This is my 13th and last post of this blog series. It has been, by far, the longest writing project in my life outside of school! After this, I think I have to take a hiatus and slip back into my usual anonymity self. Because, after all, that's who I am. I prefer to just do my work and go about helping making this world a better place ... quietly.

On this day that we are surrounded with loving family, friends and reflect about what we are thankful for, I would like each of us to move a step forward and start thinking about 'Passing on the Gift' ... to others.

This brings me to the last organization that's doing amazing work currently throughout the world. Heifer International is a non-profit organization working to bring an end to World Hunger through sustainable and long-term solutions. One of their programs is called 'Passing on the Gift' which is wonderfully illustrated from a short video by Alton Brown below.

'Sustainable' is the key word and a common theme here throughout my blogs and it is intentional. The act of giving is good but an act of sustainable giving through teaching, reusable and repeatable methods & behaviors will have the biggest impact to create a healthier, more peaceful and beautiful world for generations to come.

~ Thank you ~

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